Sunday, December 20, 2009


It's official. There are three women left in my life (you know who you are) who are not pregnant or brand new mothers. Just for fun, today I counted the pregnant women I saw or heard about and I came up with 4 in less than 2 hours. OK, so that's not EVERY woman I know, but that is an awful lot of pregnant people wandering about!

One friend announced recently on Facebook that she and her husband had "unlocked the Pregnancy Achievement," thus cementing her place in my heart as My Favorite Nerd (and believe you me, there is QUITE the competition!). One coworker had a baby on Monday. I saw one pregnant belly in the hall near my cubby, another in the pharmacy, and another in the audiology hallway. There are still 3 more audiologists expecting, plus at least 3 more in our department. And yesterday morning, I woke up to another announcement from a classmate.

Better call my GYN and make sure all my prescriptions are up to date!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Cheer

After Nablopomo, I always have great momentum for posting more regularly, but I thrive under pressure, and I just can't seem to bring myself to post more frequently without the lure of PRIZES! even though I still have lots to say.

I am currently covered in threads from Christmas present-making, stuffed with cookies sampled during production, and very, very sad at the thought of going back to work tomorrow. With the bonus Monday gift of getting a cavity filled right before going into work. Fun!

Can't I just stay home and be Christmassy all year? (Aside: somehow, "Christmassy" is recognized as a real word by Blogger. Truly amazing.) I was a baking fiend, even if two of the five recipes didn't come out quite as planned and one whole batch of bars had to go straight into the trash.

Friends, check your nuts BEFORE you put them in the batter, because they may have gone rancid after sitting for years on the shelf. The good news is that after I get some fresh nuts, I think the recipe will be just delicious. And here concludes the most unintentionally dirty paragraph I have ever written.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

The most wonderful time of the year

This not-having-finals thing is wonderful. This weekend, we put up most of the Christmas decorations, including the tree, which we decorated with the help of some small friends (all the ornaments on one low branch is definitely the Next Big Thing in decorating), I made some sinfully delicious shortbread cookies, and we even hung our stockings by the chimney (with care!).

We've had quite a bit of snow, which doesn't make it hard to get in the spirit! After posting this, I plan on making a few of the gifts on my list. I love making things, but it certainly takes a little time!

I have jury duty tomorrow, which should be interesting. Part of me is hoping to get put on a trial, because I think that would be really interesting, and part hopes to be dismissed early enough to still see my afternoon patients because I missed last Monday (and Tuesday) because of a bad cold.