Instead, I've been tearing through A Series of Unfortunate Events, by Lemony Snicket. I'd read the first two in the children's library across from where I used to work in little chunks while I had breaks. They were amazing and I loved them, but unfortunately, Books the Third through Sixth or so were checked out, so I had to stop. This Christmas, Costco had the entire series (13 books) as a set for much less than normal (each book is usually $12.99), so we used some Christmas money to get them. I've literally read 1-2 books a day in the past few days, and I'm now on Book the Tenth. I just can't read them fast enough! I have the same problem with Harry Potter, but those I at least got them one at a time, so I could re- and re-read several times until the next came out. The Lemony Snicket books are (obviously) pretty quick reads, though the books are getting much longer. If you have a wicked sense of humor and/or were an English major, you should give them a try. Most of the references and hidden jokes I highly doubt any child would get, but they never distract from the story.
In other news, the new computer looms larger on the horizon. We went to buy it last night at our friendly local Apple Store, but learned that one or two of the upgrades we really wanted were only available online. So we're going to wait another day or two, just to see if any major software updates come out at Macworld (who needs an iPhone? Give me iLife 07!), but I don't think they are likely and we simply can't wait long enough for the new OS to come out (supposedly in June).
Since weather seems to be the hot topic in these parts these days, here ya go: today and yesterday were sunny and warm enough to melt a lot of the snow, but we are supposed to get another (smaller?) storm this weekend, just in time for my brother's flight here to likely be delayed. And it's supposed to be butt-ass cold. Highs in the teens. Yay. We'll see if we make it up to the mountains like we were planning.
OK, that's it for now, better get back to the project. A parting picture as a memory of Vegas:
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