Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Fiery Fourth

Actually, it was pretty much the opposite. Since Colorado has been so dry, the governor banned all fire and fireworks for the state (except the big, controlled kind) last week to prevent wildfires. Ironically, we got the hardest rain we've seen in a very long time the evening of the 4th, and fireworks (of the legal sort) were seriously in question.

Luckily, it cleared up very well, and we still got our show! Since our apartment is incredibly close to the stadium where they do the fireworks, we had some friends over to watch. And what friends they are! They walked, literally, barefoot through the rain, uphill both ways (maybe only one way) to hang out with us! We had a barbecue--inside and with no barbecue in sight-- with hot dogs, chips, sausages and other fare. It turned out to be an unintentionally "healthy" meal, with buffalo hot dogs, sugar cookies made with part whole wheat flour, whole grain tortilla chips and a strawberry dessert. And it was all delicious!

I took some pictures of the fireworks, but I honestly just wanted to watch them more, so the quality of the pictures suffered. Since I have a slew of fireworks pictures I took years ago that were pretty good but I just never looked at them, I figured this wasn't too much of a loss. The finale was awesome though, tons of big fireworks going off at once, everything a finale should be, so we all enjoyed it.

Hope everyone else had a happy and safe Fourth!

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