Thursday, July 20, 2006

Pictures Part I

My dad and Will with their hats. It was a little scary but very cool how much my parents loved Will. I mean, he IS the cutest baby ever, so I really can't blame them.

We took him downtown to Pearl Street (where this picture was taken) to an art fair and he was great. He was a little out of it, as he had a fever from some immunization shots he got the day before, but he was a good sport.

Boulder was in the middle of heat wave (like the rest of the country), so it was a very welcome offer we received from our family friends in Fort Collins to go out on their boat on a resevoir with them.

Not only was it much cooler, but we had a wonderful time visiting with them, having a delicious dinner on the boat and zipping around the lake. I think we would go up there with them every weekend if we could!

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